Keynote 3: Thursday, August 30, 2012

Towards Global IoT – Resource Reutilization








Hossam Hassanein



Queen's University




The Internet of Things (IoT) is envisioned as a paradigm shift, with a plethora of applications, on the premise of well-established enabling technologies; prominently Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and RFIDs. The former has evolved to improve energy efficiency and resilient operation, yet, true scalability has only been recently probed and quite sparsely advancing. Moreover, the traditional approach whereby most WSN platforms are tailored for a single-application to meet a given efficiency metric, imposes significant rigidity in re-utilizing devised platforms for new applications, and limitations on re-using previously deployed ones. In remedy, we present a novel paradigm in WSNs to efficiently utilize network resources, and extend it to a platform for multiple applications to cross utilize resources over multiple WSNs. This paradigm presents a leap in scalability, not only in a WSN, but across multiple ones, with dynamicity to accommodate for varying resources being introduced and removed; in addition to utilizing transient resources in their vicinity. To this end, we present a global architecture to efficiently adopt WSNs in IoT with changing demands and scale.  Our approach is further explained and demonstrated via a detailed use case depicting the premise of IoT application.



Prof. Hossam Bio:

Prof. Hossam Hassanein is a leading authority in the areas of broadband, wireless and mobile networks architecture, protocols, control and performance evaluation. His record spans more than 400 publications in journals, conferences and book chapters, in addition to numerous keynotes and plenary talks in flagship venues. Dr. Hassanein has received several recognition and best papers awards at top international conferences. He is also the founder and director of the Telecommunications Research (TR) Lab at Queen's University School of Computing, with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. Dr. Hassanein has. He is a senior member of the IEEE, and is currently chair of the IEEE Communication Society Technical Committee on Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (TC AHSN). Dr. Hassanein is an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Speaker (Distinguished Lecturer 2008-2010).